I have got by fairly well with very little to zero Korean so far in magic tournaments. Just like back home Magic players in Korea are above average people :)
All the players I have played (especially) the older ones have much better English than most of the populace. For a long time English cards were the only ones available and still to this day if you are really passionate about magic there is a lot more content out there in English than Korean.
I have also heard the Korean translations are not always that clear so being bi lingual is definitely an advantage.
I have enjoyed M14 draft because it’s simple and contains a lot of reprints or one line cards. Full Return to Ravnica block draft was very stressful though especially as I had not kept up with the cards.
I think I could probably draft Theros ok as a single set draft but once the second set comes out relying on memorizing the pictures with what the cards do starts to look a bit beyond my capabilities. I should probably be using that mental energy on something more productive like learning Korean or remembering my student’s names.
So I am going to start studying and hopefully learning the basic phrases. Thankfully even the most complex cards are still written in simplified Korean and they don’t bust out the Chinese characters like they do with High School name tags.
I don’t think I will reach further than the basic keywords though just because some of the more complicated cards are hard enough to understand in English.
Ramble completed the next lot of posts will be basic magic vocabulary as written in Korean.
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