Sunday, December 15, 2013

Building the Cube - Step 1

I have taken the first step in building a cube for unlimited drafting.

My collection is dominated by Theros thanks to the weekly drafts so it may start of as just a Theros cube which would be pretty dull since that would just be like a regular draft but without the chance of opening cool cards to keep.

I am a few rares/mythics of a full set though and really want to use my Thoughtseizes elsewhere and I am not sure how comfortable I would just letting random people use my cube if it has cards in it that are expensive and important to me. A Theros cube without the big money cards ... boring!

There is an excellent series on Brainstorm Brewery about building a cube for under $200 (it's too small for 8 players though) which might be my go to guide. There are some really interesting and powerful cards in that cube but nothing over a few dollars. Cards like Balance and Control Magic are really cheap and ridiculous.

My other idea is to perhaps aim for a modern masters based cube. That was the most cube like set I have played and largely doable over time. If I had my old pre Korea collection (since sold) I probably could have built that already. If they confirmed Modern masters 2 was coming and there would be a decent amount of stock then I would be all over it.

I will see how far I can get with the cards I own and a bit of trading but an order to Card Kingdom may be on the cards when i get back from Australia and have my job situation settled.

1 comment:

  1. In your absence, I've taken this and run with it! The MTG in Suwon-si draft group has been really good about making donations, and I've been picking up budget power from Dalmuti's Legacy and Extended, so I've been gradually tinkering with it and upping the power level as best I can. It's far from being the most powerful cube in existence, but it's now over 10% rares so it's now past the threshold for a "budget cube" and plays at least as well as a Modern Masters draft. I'm not sure if you'll be back yet for it, but we'll be drafting it as our Round 2 event for next week.

    I'm managing it through the super handy where you can check out the list, see charts analyzing it, and do sample drafts against bots. You can check it out at

    Dan in Suwon
