Tourney report
Location: DiveDice Seoul
Event: Innistrad pre release
Sealed deck 25th September 2011
I made it to DiveDice with plenty of time to spare for a 10:00 am start. Player count was 34 players, 6 waygooks, 3 guys in suits and one female.
Deck registration was required and I opened a Garruk that I would have to pass. It could have been much worse, and it was for the guy next to me who cracked Liliana and Snapcaster mage.
There was a tiny amount of intriguing green but red white was a fairly obvious combination and resulted in a really strong and fairly broken deck. I made a few deck construction errors. The main one being that I main decked Bloodcrazed Neonate which is a mistake I wouldn’t have made if I wasn’t so rusty. Attacks each turn if possible is a huge red flag and anything with that drawback and lacking ridiculous stats is unplayable in sealed.
I sided out Bloodcrazed Neonate in favor of Blazing Torch for game 2 every time.
Final deck list:
8 Mountains
8 Plains
1 Shimmering Grotto
2 x Bonds of Faith
Silverchase fox
Avacynian Priest
Chapel Geist
Fiend Hunter
Elder Cathar
Gallows Warden
Slayer of the Wicked
Abbey Griffin
Smite the Monstrous
Kruin Outlaw // Terror of Kruin Pass
Village Ironsmith // Ironfang
Reckless Waif // Merciless Predator
Bloodcrazed Neonate
Rakish Heir
Devils Play
Skirsdag Cultist
Charmbreaker Devils
Into the Maw of Hell
Manor Gargoyle
Butcher’s Cleaver
Trepanation Blade
Harvest Pyre
Blazing Torch (should have been main)
One eyed scarecrow (brought in against blue white to great effect)
Round 1 Chang Myoung Soo with green/white
He had the Garruk that I had opened during deck registration. I know this because he showed it to me as he was using a checklist card. When he did so I assumed he was just volunteering this info and was a bit of a scrub. I wasn’t going to be revealing my 3 cards that’s for sure.
Turns out I was being a massive cheater and that if you use a checklist it is an actual rule that you have to reveal your double sided cards before the match starts. The high ground was lost but I managed to win a tight mach 2-1
Round 2 Jung-suk Goh with blue/white
I could tell he was a very strong player and his deck was quite tricky and produced a lot of tokens. I sided in One Eyed Scarecrow for games 2 and 3 and it bought me enough time to kill him with Devils Play in game 3.
Round 3 Jungmin Lee with green/white
His deck was based around a lot of very strong creatures but he didn’t have removal for my Charmbreaker Devils and I lived the dream of getting back devils play 3 turns in a row to wipe his board.
In game 2 I had a Reckless Waif on turn one which flipped and did 6 damage before he summoned some defence. I felt like a luck sack both games and they ended up being the easiest I had all day.
Round 4 Jon Queiros With blue/black
Jon offered the split before playing which I accepted. That took a lot of pressure off our match which was lucky because he had a very strong pool. I managed to come back from an early Liliana to win game 1 but was crushed in game two. In game 3 he was a little late to find enough creatures and my removal kept him from coming back into it.
A fun day but I did not have enough time to draft which was a shame as Innistrad looks a really fun set. Oh well I am undefeated on Korean Soil...... which won’t last long so I should enjoy it while it lasts.
Jon Queiros is an asshole and no one in the Magic scene in Korea likes him.