Friday, September 12, 2014

M15 rides into the sunset

This Sunday will be the last M15 draft at Dalmuti's before Khans is released.

I won't be present but M15 has been a fun ride. To celebrate/commiserate this occasion I know present the coveted Angry Hermit Awards for the good, bad and the ugly cards from M15.

Best Open; For the card I actually got to take home and keep from the set.
The Winner - Nissa Worldwaker, it always feels great to open the most expensive card in the set but Nissa is also a lot of fun.

Worst Open; The card that elicits the greatest gron when you open it.
The Winner - A lot of cards fit this test these days thanks to the millions of different pre release promos that always end up bulk. The winner though is one of those artifacts I can't remember the name of, it always sucks to open them.

Most Coveted Reprint; For the card you were super hyped to come back.
The Winner - With past winners Thoughtseize and Mutavault and future winners Onslaught Fetchlands this is a prestigious award. Chord of Calling got all the hype but I am going to give this to Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth because you can squeeze it into more decks other than just Melira Pod.

Prettiest Card; for the prettiest card, duh.
The Winner - It's a bit of a cliche to pick an Angle but I do like the perspective the artist used, Absolute Arch Angel.

Ugliest Card; For the prettiest minus 268 card in the set.
The Winner: The prize goes to the dark blob ogre Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient who frequently occupied the rare spot in my booster a disproportionate amount.

Favourite Card to Draft; A smile every time this non rare goes into your pile.
The Winner: It was a tough tussle with Nightfire Giant but Forge Devil wins for mine. I really underrated this little guy at the start and he was the 23rd card in my first draft deck. Has been an auto include from then on.

I can't Believed You Played That; For that card other people loved for reasons I will never know.
The Winner: Ornithopter, I still cant believe I lost to this (Ensoul Artifact)


  1. Thank you for the Angry Hermit. I moved to Korea this fall, and your work has been a big help during my adjustment period.

    I read some of your older posts about some of the difficulties playing with Korean cards in pre-releases (aka, before we can recognize the art). Are there particular shops that tend to be more accommodating to slower play or use of phones for spoilers?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The only pre release I have played with Korean cards was a Ravnica Pre Release at the Rak in Naksungdae and they were fantastic. The manager had printed out copies of the English spoiler (with pictures) for all the foreign players.
    I think it took him a huge amount of time so I wouldn't expect that every time but it shows how accommodating they are.
    That is just one store but I think they are all fairly welcoming.

    And while not actual pre releases I have had my first experience with a set being in Korean and it is tough. Making a sealed pool feels really frantic compared to normal and in draft I was making random picks at times just to not outstay my welcome.

    You don't have to play with Korean cards. Rolling Dice in Hongdae allows you to pre register ( for the pre release and choose to open English cards.
    Dalmuti's at Suwon usually have English pre release kits but it's never certain if you will get one.
    Other stores may be able to get English kits, if there is a store that is particularly close to you I would definitely ask in advance about it.

    You will have to play against Korean cards and it's a little slower than normal but all my opponents have been pretty patient when I have had to look up a card and a lot will be able to explain what the card does.

    I would do a little prep though, have a good look at the commons beforehand but don't hesitate to go. Korean players are really polite. Certain groups may come of as clicky but not cold on your first few visits (or forever) but that is pretty much Korea a a lot of the time.

    I did feel out of place at my first event in Korea. The Korean's were nice opponents but I couldn't really chat with them. I didn't feel comfortable like I did back home until I was regularly going to the same shop.
    You kind of just have to push through the first few awkward times but it's worth it.
    Magic people are the best kind of people :)

  4. Is there a schedule for the pre-release events at Dalmuti's? I was able to call RollingDice and get the basic schedule (midnight, 1p, 6p) but my call/emails to the other shops haven't yielded much.

  5. Dalmuti's are much less organised. I have a vague idea of the schedule based on the past but that doesn't always work out.
    I am going to find out their schedule later in the week and post it. The biggest problem is they don't take pre registrations so you can't be guaranteed anything.

    Space has never been a problem so far but there is no way to guarantee an English kit.

  6. Thanks for the info. I dusted off my FB account to join the mtg:seoul group. Since I'm way out in incheon/songdo, choosing a shop basically comes down to choosing between mBus routes. :) Either way, midnight games don't seem like a great idea.
