Wednesday, March 11, 2015

MTG Finance - My first spec

Outpost Siege is my very first active speculation and entry into the murky world of MTG Finance. I pre ordered 20 @ 49c each from Starcity Games.
I chose this card because I thought it was better than bulk and would have long term casual appeal. It wouldn’t have to go up much to be worth it even if it took a couple of years. Phyrexian Arenas and Gravepacts have always been very popular cards in my binders, and this is the red equivalent of Phyrexian Arena.
I was hopeful it would see type 2 play but no one seemed to agree or talk about the card during set review season so I started to doubt my judgement.
Living in Korea its not worth it to buy list to America and Korean buy lists don’t really exist. While that is a disadvantage the advantages of being in Korea is that there is a constant stream of new faces (1 year contracts for foreign workers plus a lot of US military) and you are allowed to openly buy and sell in the shop as the stores don’t run their own singles binders.

I am following an interesting article series on the Cardboard Samurai blog ( about Puca Trade as a lot of what he writes about is relevant to Korea.

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