Thursday, May 14, 2015

Bye Bye Tarkir

Depending on the supply of Modern masters 2 then this Sunday might be the last Tarkir block draft at Dalmutis. Triple Khans is one of my favourite formats of all time and it's time for the coveted Angry Hermit Awards for the good, bad and the ugly cards from Tarkir.

Best Open; For the card I actually got to take home and keep from the set.

The Winner - I never opened an Ugin, which would be the automatic winner. It even has it's own chant. I was pretty excited to open a Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker pack one pick one and force red. That was my worst draft and I went 0-3 with Sarkhan doing nothing. It was still cool to open him.

Worst Open; The card that elicits the greatest groan when you open it.

The Winner - Dragon Style twins was at least playable and fairly descent in limited even though I got sick of opening it. I think the winner has to go to Ghastly Conscription as a horrible Mythic in a set famous for busted and powerful rares. You know your neighbour opened something better.

Most Coveted Reprint; For the card you were super hyped to come back.

The Winner - Ultimate Price or Arc Lightning, how can I choose between them. Oh I don't have to because the winner was far and away the Onslaught fetch lands which caused fetch mania when they were announced.

Prettiest Card; for the prettiest card, duh.

The Winner - I am going with the morph overlay token. The actual art could be done by a three year old but I certainly thought a battlefield with 3 or more morph overlays on my side with a bunch of untapped lands was one of the prettiest sites in the history of Magic.

Ugliest Card; For the prettiest minus 268 card in the set.

The Winner - I will nominate Flatten which unless you look close appears to be just a pile of brown ****. A card that is such a high draft pick and usually a nice blow out deserves better.

Favourite Card to Draft; A smile every time this non rare goes into your pile.
The Winner - There were a lot of cards that this award could have gone too. My final choice was Icefeather Aven as it was one of the best cards in five colour morph and a great representation of everything I loved about the format. It was consistent, tricky and I was always finding something new to do with it.

I can't Believe You Played That; For that card other people loved for reasons I will never know.

The Winner: Banners are in the running for another award, I did see Lens of Clarity played in an actual deck but thankfully not often.

Middle Child Syndrome; For when it just doesn't fit.

The Winner - The entire Fate Reforged set. It was much better as the third set in a Dragons, Dragons and Fate draft, but it was definitely worse than a third pack of Khans.

Most Improved; For the card that didn't look like much, but got there in the end.
Summit Prowler, a difficult mana cost in Khans turned into a high pick in the best colour come Dragons of Tarkir. Plus it got Dragons in the background, DRAGONS!

Don't forget to; The card that is easiest to misplay.

The Winner - If you had such a bad draft you had to play banners, at least remember to cash them in and get a real card.

Most fun thing you could legally do; A fun card that makes it impossible not to smile

The Winner - Quite a lot more options for this award than in Theros block which only had two nominees (Chromanticore and Minotaurs). I am going to have to give the points to Villainous Wealth. Random, powerful and skill testing. 

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